martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Two Kinds

“Two Kinds”

In the story of Amy Tan “Two Kinds”, we can see a struggle of a teenager with his mother, who always tries to do the best with his daughter. Jing-mei, who is the daughter of the story, reveals bad behaviors that probably are normal for a child of that age. In the story, some acts affect their behavior and their relationship.
The mother of the story always shares a fight with Jing-mei, trying to push her daughter in some activities that maybe his daughter didn’t like. But also Jing-mei sometimes defies her mother trying to bother her with her attitude. At the end of the story we realize that both of them look at the past, thinking that maybe they could do better. So, after all, Jing-mei was destined to be like her mother, a failure.
In the story maybe a lot of people can get identified, with the teenager who is a rebel child, and who tries to always contradict the decisions of their parents. But also we can get identified after some years, that some of those decisions that parents take for us, is because they are trying to do their best job as parents.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

The Good Lie

The Good Lie

 “The Good lie”, is a drama film where 3 people of Sudan who have suffered a lot, take the opportunity to move to the United States where they have to work and study. The movie gives you many teachings about the life, and with this movie you can analyze some situation that are happening around the world and you can realize how much impact it has in the life of some people. At the beginning of the movie is showed how much these people suffer, almost all their friends and brothers were killed by an army who was trying to take some people as soldiers. Nevertheless these 3 people never give up; especially Memere who wants to be a doctor, even if he needs to work more to pay the med school.  At the end of the movie there is another emotional event, where Memere and his sister discover that their brother is alive. Memer returns to Sudan to find some papers for his brother so he can go to the United States with them. After he tries to find some papers, he realize that he is not going to find it, so he gives to his brother his own papers so he can go to United States and live there giving him a chance of another life, just like he did in the past with them. That action of sacrifice is really important of the movie because it shows how Memere was able to have everything, change it so his brother can live something that he had already experienced.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Sunday in the Park

“The irony of Sunday in the Park”

In the story of Bel Kaufman “Sunday in the Park”, the irony is an element that always stays present in the whole story. The story takes part in a park where a family argues with a big man. The wife, who thinks that his husband is going to solve any problem, realizes that he can´t stands for his family because of a conflict with a big man in the park. Sunday in the park started with a plot in a sandbox where a fat kid who is son of the big man started throwing sand to the other kid, who is son of the couple. The mother is thinking that his son needs to solve his own problems but anyways she takes control of the situation and starts to argue with the big man. Next the big man start to argue with the husband, and the wife thinks that the situation is not a big problem and she doesn't need to think a lot about it but she actually does and she gives a lot of importance. After the husband leaves the place with his family, he try to explain why he didn't do anything with the big man and he try to make some excuses about the situation, but anyways the wife knows that he is a tiny man against a big man and he would not do anything to stop the child. At the end of the story the father says that his wife needs to educate his son or he will do it and she replies at the same way as the big man in the park, “You and who else”. Therefore the irony makes us understand a lot of the plot that occurs in the story, without it, the story will not give us some information to understand some events that occur and some actions that the characters take.